TNUoS Tariffs Published 2023-24Transmission Network Use of System (TNUoS) charges are designed to recover the cost of installing and maintaining the transmission system in England, Wales, Scotland and offshore

TNUoS Tariffs Published 2023-24

Draft 2023-24 TNUoS Tariffs Published

The August Forecast Transmission Network Use of System (TNUoS) tariffs for 2023-24 were published by National Grid ESO on 31 August.

Transmission Network Use of System (TNUoS) charges are designed to recover the cost of installing and maintaining the transmission system in England, Wales, Scotland and offshore.

They are applicable to transmission connected generators and suppliers for use of the transmission networks. This document contains the August forecast of TNUoS Tariffs for 2023/24.

The total revenue to be recovered is ~£4.08bn, an increase of ~£133.62mn from the April five-year forecast.

The average generation tariff is forecast at £11.91/kW, a decrease of 71p/kW from the five-year forecast, due to a decrease in generation revenue and increase in charging base.

The average Half Hourly demand tariff is £5.28/kW, an increase of £0.51/kW. The average Non Half Hourly demand tariff is 0.25p/kWh, an increase of 0.02p/kWh since the five-year view. The ESO said that the impact on consumers is expected to be £40.09 per household.

The 2023-24 charging year is the first that will apply the Transmission Demand Residual (TDR) banded charges methodology.

From April 2023, demand residual banded charges will make up majority of the TNUoS demand charge, which will see a fixed annual/daily charge applied to each site across the banding categories and thresholds.

Charges for 2023-24 will be updated in November and finalised by the end of January 2023.


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